Accidental Cider Share

Bill and I have been traveling a bunch recently. When we travel, we tend to rent places from Air BnB. I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth reiterating. It is, at this point, rare that we stay in a hotel.

It’s not just the fact that we can make our own coffee, make our own breakfast, and almost always bigger than a hotel room for the money. It’s that the space we get is more usable, overall. When we stay in hotels, we spend most of our time visiting with friends in coffee shops, breweries, or restaurants.

But when we stay in places we find on AirBnB, we have many more options. Like visiting a nice local bottle shop, and deciding to buy several ciders (and one beer!),… Continue reading →

A Variety of Things

My last post mentioned that I’d had some moles hacked out of my body and sent off to be inspected. The report on them came back basically fine. I also am healing well, though much more slowly than I’d like. I was only allowed to start bending my right arm again yesterday. Turns out that when you go two weeks without bending your arm much that your bicep objects when you finally do. Also? You can’t aim for crap. Washing my hair yesterday morning was a bit of an adventure. Let’s not even discuss what I look like while trying to maneuver a fork. (Bill laughs. I’m apparently hysterical looking.)

The day before we left for New Mexico, I attended a bottle share and discussion put on by Kim Leshinski of Hail 2 the Ale.… Continue reading →

I Love a Thunderstorm. And Tea.

Yesterday, I checked the weather and was a bit boggled to see Chicago was looking at 70F and rainy all day. Boggled and unhappy, to be perfectly honest. I’m not really a fan of 70F in Chicago in November. Makes me worry, a little, that we’re going to have another not winter.

The rain? The rain doesn’t faze me. I admit, I don’t like to be out in it, but that’s mostly because I haven’t yet bought boots to keep my feet dry. I don’t much mind being rained on, though. I’m too much of a desert baby to hate rain. Precipitation. Water.


I may be a desert baby, but I live in a land of (seeming) water excess. Of people I know who grew up in this area, none have ever even thought of things like water rationing or xeriscaping.… Continue reading →