Rosa’s pesto salmon

This recipe is a tale of two seasons: summer and winter. Summer being when I first enjoyed this dish. Winter being when it’s most convenient to defrost my freezer and make discoveries like, hey, I have a chunk of salmon in there! (Including a very long aside about the current weather and trials and tribulations of defrosting.)

I first had this meal at Rosa’s house. Rosa is now my mother-in-law, and she’s a really wonderful person. It was in May of 2011, and we were in New Mexico to meet our new nieces (Hazel on Bill’s side & Zoey on mine), visit our families, and plan a wedding. Or get started on planning a wedding.

It was warm, gorgeous and a really fun trip. We made some good memories.… Continue reading →

[70] Grandma Ella’s Banana Nut Bread

Once upon a time, I was going to ask the family of a friend of mine to take care of my cat for while. I don’t recall how long or why. I think it was during a holiday from school when almost no one would be around. I didn’t have a lot of money, so paying in cash wasn’t doable. So I asked my friend if payment in baked goods would work. I was advised that yes, and banana bread was the right answer.

I hate banana bread.

Thus, I didn’t have a recipe for it and was completely unwilling to taste test a bunch of recipes. So, I did what any sane college student would do: I asked my great-grandmother for her recipe. She was a fabulous baker (at least by the time I came around), and so I knew whatever I got from her would be delicious.… Continue reading →

[65] Classic Lasagne, Italian-American Style

How to Cook Everything, Revised Edition by Mark Bittman

So, the last lasagne in the freezer had all been eaten, and it wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind when I first envisioned a pile o’ lasagne in the freezer anyway. Given all of that, I decided to try again with Bittman’s “Classic Italian-American” version of lasagne.

h2. Ingredients

Salt (Assuming you boil your noodles.)
Lasagne noodles, fresh or dried (Dried is about a pound.)

~1 c ricotta cheese

~1 c mozzarella cheese

2 tbsp softened butter or extra virgin olive oil

~3 cups, Meat Sauce, Bolognese Style

1.5 c freshly ground Parmesan Cheese (We used 12 month aged Manchego)

h2. Instructions

This is a lot like the last lasagne, so the directions are going to be almost exactly the same. You might get a sense of déjà vu.… Continue reading →

My feet are going to fall off.

Bill’s mother arrived Wednesday night, and we’ve been basically running around non-stop since she arrived. I’m not entirely convinced I won’t be walking on stubs by the time she leaves tomorrow afternoon.

Basically, we haven’t been home from about 9:00 am everyday until about 11:00 pm every night. In the interium, we’ve done a lot of cool stuff. Wednesday we took her to “Xoco,”: which everyone knows is Bill’s favorite. She said it was the best sandwich she’d ever eaten, so well done there, Mr. Bayless & Company.

Thursday I had a piano lesson, and then joined them for wandering Mag Mile. After lunch (Elephant and Castle on Lake & Wabash), we went to the Art Institute and nearly closed the place down. Then we ate at Uno, and wandered Mag Mile some more.… Continue reading →