[2] & [3] A dinner from Better Homes and Gardens, circa 1962

Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (1962)

Tonight’s dinner was inspired by the fact that Bill and I hadn’t done much shopping this weekend, in anticipation of our CSA half share arriving. Also, it was inspired by not wanting to leave the house today. The final inspiration for it was realizing we have committed to cooking nearly 2500 recipes before we can ever buy a cookbook again, and we want that to be the shortest possible time.

I have to admit, we’re both a little nervous about tackling the Better Homes and Gardens “New Cookbook”, because it’s huge and so many of the recipes seem to come from a cooking style rather different than our own. Still, my grandmother gave it to me when everyone had good reason to believe I was going to starve in undergrad (I was not so much a fan of cooking back then).… Continue reading →