Now I’m pretty sure I never want a wall to be “pesto” green

It turns out that Bill’s mother has a far more impressive food processor than Bill and I do. Very big, decently liquid-tight, strong motor. I am sure of this, despite having never seen her food processor. How do I know?

Well, I made her pesto recipe Monday night. I made a half batch, because that’s all the more basil I had. Guess what a half batch of Rosa’s pesto in my food processor looks like?

Yup. And that’s just a half batch! I can clearly never make a full batch.

I did figure out how to clean all of that up, and then finish making the batch without further disaster on my walls. It involved considering growing a third arm & hand to hold the towel around the food processor, but I did it.… Continue reading →

Is it pesto?

Wow, it’s 3:35 pm as I sit down to type this up. That was fast

Now all I have to do is figure out what to serve it on. Bill’s mother, Rosa, once made us salmon with pesto on top, and some amazing onion side. I haven’t figured out her pesto, or that onion side, but it might be a nice way to do it again. Possibly tonight, as I have some salmon in the house.

The side, though? It will probably be cream of broccoli soup, following “this recipe.”: Only I don’t have heavy cream on hand, so I’ll use half & half.

So, what was today’s pesto?

h2. Ingredients

Note: All these measurements, except the cheese, are utterly wild guesses. Proceed at your own risk.Continue reading →

[114] Linguine Nagoda for Two

Cover of Cooking for Two

I picked this recipe because it looked very fast and easy to make, and because it involved pasta, heavy cream and walnuts. Which is funny, because I’m not the biggest fan of walnuts. They’re growing on me, particularly mixed in with something, but generally I don’t like ’em.

And I’d better not see any in or on my brownies. No joke.

Anyway, I needed a dish that wouldn’t take much energy, time or focus, because I was “battling baked beans TO THE DEATH for a party.”: I needed something that would be fast and good enough to fill the gaping hole that comes from smelling delicious food cooking all day, then being told (or telling yourself), “Don’t eat that. It’s for a party.”

This appeared to fit the bill when I was digging through my cookbooks.… Continue reading →