[38] Butter and Tomato Sauce

Cover of The Complete Book of Italian Cooking, edited by Anne Hildyard

Confession time: I picked this recipe after the tomatoes were already peeled and seeded.

I had been trying to find a recipe for a tomato sauce that used fresh tomatoes, preferably one that could easily be frozen or canned. Mostly, though, I’d been trying via a new website I’m a member of called “Eat Your Books”:http://www.eatyourbooks.com/ and not having any real luck.

Eat Your Books is pretty awesome in a lot of ways, but most of my cookbooks are not yet indexed on the site. So when I do a search, I end up with a lot of suggestions for recipes out of the two Bittman books I have. Of course, I love my two Bittman books, but I already look to them fairly often if I don’t know what to do.… Continue reading →

[30] Vegetable Frittata

I’m pretty sure this book is available at “Amazon.com”:http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2F&tag=metaco-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957, but it’s not immediately obvious. I guess that, despite it clearly being nationally published and such, it’s still one of the more obscure books in our collection. And we have two from this “collection”. I would link directly to the suspected book, but there’s NO information about it there, so I don’t see the point. Please let me know in the comments if you disagree.

Anyway, this is the book that first introduced me to the frittata. As mentioned in our “About”, I went on to make a lot of them. This recipe makes it clear that they’re very easy, and can be quite healthy. Also, amazingly, tasty!

Unless you’re my good friend, Maria-Sea. She’s just going to skip straight over this recipe, since she thinks the taste of eggs is gross.… Continue reading →