To market, to market

To buy a fat hog!

Okay, not to market, and the hog will already be mostly butchered into cuts we want to eat, so who knows if it was fat?

We’ve mentioned a couple of times that we are buying a hog with several of our friends. Today’s the day we go to the farm to pick it up. One friend can’t come with us, but he loaned us his car. We’re taking our coolers and a couple other friends loaned us theirs.

Over the course of the weekend, I’m going to try to post everything we do that’s hog related. Tomorrow isn’t hog related, so there won’t be much of a post, but Sunday you should get a post about today’s farm activity (if I don’t get it up sooner), and Sunday we’re making sausage, so I’ll be photographing for that.… Continue reading →