The Super Smoothies Deck – DONATED

Cover of The Super Smoothies Deck

The image at right links to the Amazon Kindle version of this “book”. The physical deck appears to be out of print.

This set of smoothie cards is not going to see any play for at least a month, I am sad to say. Bill and I don’t own a blender. Well, we own an immersion blender that Angelique, Marty and Mike were kind enough to give me a long time ago, but that’s not going to cut it for these smoothies.

Frankly, that’s kind of a bummer, because some of these recipes look delicious! Of course, the ones that look most delicious are going to require me to ask my cousin A.J. to cover the eyes of our dear grandmother, because the best looking ones have names like Libido Lifter and Honeymooner’s Tonic.… Continue reading →