Days of PDX

Today marks my 11th day in Portland, Oregon.

The house is still full of boxes, though fewer and fewer as time passes. We haven’t had many times we needed to open something in a hurry, but there have been one or two incidents.

Peaches and strawberries are still in season. I didn’t manage to each ANY in Chicago this year, so I can’t tell you how happy this is for me. So far in PDX, I have eaten peaches straight and in cakes and as sides to savory meals. I have gorged on strawberries. (And tomatoes.)

There’s a farmers market just across the street from my house. And there’s a couple green spaces nearby that are fun to walk around. A big park nearby has me considering purchasing this cart and an exercise pen to have a makeshift yard for the pups to run around in while I work nearby.… Continue reading →

Peach Tea Smoothie

A smoothie, half consumed, on my coffee table. Half-full? Half-empty? I don't know. It's fully delicious, though.

I miss my Grandpa Steve an awful lot. He laughed a lot, joked a lot, doted completely on my grandmother, and talked to everyone. Man, did he love talking.

He also loved peach tea. Lots. His version was Lipton Instant Peach Iced Tea, and I cannot remember a time I’d go to his house and there wouldn’t be a big pitcher in the fridge. Usually, he’d have to make more, because he and the rest of the family drank a lot of it when we were together.

Peaches in a blender. Tea being poured over them.

Man, I loved that stuff. I don’t know if it was because I really enjoyed it or because my beloved grandfather did so much, but I wanted it all the damn time. Drove my mom batty, because she (perhaps alone) did not like it so much and I asked for her to buy it a lot even when we weren’t visiting those grandparents.… Continue reading →

While I am focused on other things

I wanted to share with you a photo I took about two weeks ago. It’s what $35 worth of peaches looks like in my world.

My freezers are full of peaches and blueberries. Yet, I am contemplating more peaches. Up to and including another crate of them, which is how many the above is. It’s probably a bad plan, but I’m very tempted.… Continue reading →