SheBrew! I Judge!

Is it required that one drink a homebrew the night before they get to go judge a homebrew competition for the first time? I hope not, because I don’t think I have one in the house as I type this up.

That’s right, I got invited recently to be a judge (under the helm/wing of at least one BJCP judge) tomorrow at SheBrew! This appears to be a relatively new competition in Portland, Oregon, and I know the organizers have worked hard to make it big and awesome. When I last logged into my judge page, there were 92 entries processed for tomorrow.

Thank goodness there’s no world in which I’ll be expected to try all of them!

Two snapped in half hop cones positioned in front of a small notebook with a red pen inside it.

I will be there tomorrow judging beers within a few categories, but I don’t yet know where they’ll put me.… Continue reading →

Almost Famous! (Sorta.)


So, I moved recently. As you all know very, very well. And thus, I kind of forgot I’d been on a tasting panel for All About Beer magazine back in August. (Please note, that link is kinda sad.)

ANYWAY! I was reminded of this when Lisa, whom I’d met and liked a lot while I was at BBC 2015, mentioned the most recent All About Beer magazine is something like a mini BBC reunion.

So, I went hunting. And it took me a bit more searching than expected but, of course, I found it at Powell’s.

And finding myself in the pages was as much fun as I’d hoped. Especially in the “Taste” section, which you can all guess is a word I love being associated with.… Continue reading →

This is My Life Right Now

I have a lot of formal education under my belt. I’ve learned a lot of things in my life. And I have taken more exams than I could ever count. So, I’ve studied a lot in my lifetime.

I’ve never gone to bed with the textbook.

Until now.

Ok, that’s not really the textbook. Like all of the really important exams in my life (and those I can count), there’s not really a single text to guide me through it. There’s things that can help directly, and plenty of self-guided study.

My family of birth has, rightly, commented on my ability to leave a trail in life. They aren’t talking about a trail of broken hearts or a trail of bread crumbs or a trail of bodies or a trail of admirers.… Continue reading →