Seven Ways I Love Eating Avocado

I love avocado. Flat-out, absolutely love it. It’s one of the world’s best fruits, and I would like to be eating more of it. I suspect you would like to be doing so too? Right? Of course you would! So, here’s seven ways I LOVE to eat avocado, and I recommend that you immediately try anything you haven’t already.

Straight up
Duh. Often all you need to get avocado into you is a spoon. Unless it’s a small avocado. Then you don’t even need that. You can just PUT IT IN YOUR FACE. And who doesn’t want that?

A spoonful of avocado a day keeps the doctor away?

Sure. That’s what I’m going with. It’s working for me, even. I haven’t seen a doctor in months!… Continue reading →

Rosa’s Avocado Mousse

Read this quick little post about a weirdly delicious dessert, then consider moseying on over here to my giveaway that closes in about 7 hours. No one’s entered yet, so your odds are really good. So good it might be worth coming all the way to Chicago for. If you like beer & want to learn to make it.

Awhile back, Bill mentioned that his mother, Rosa, used to make an avocado pie when he was growing up, and that it might be his favorite dessert of all time.

Me, I was like, “Pie… made from… avocados? Really?”

Turns out, yes, really. And it’s really good. Even when, like me, you forget to make the crust fairly regularly and turn it into mousse instead. It’s good either way, but it’s best when you have a crowd to feed it to.… Continue reading →