Photos of Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Short post, mostly to check in. Today’s been a lazy, happy day for me. Poor Bill had to work. First he had to work at work, then when he was done with work, one of his co-workers drafted him to work on her mother’s computer for several hours.

But her mother brought some delicious cookies, so it was okay.

I’m going to go wander off and stuff myself on leftovers with him now. I hope you have a good evening, and I’ll be back with the posting later.… Continue reading →

Happy Thanksgiving!

There’s a giant turkey coming to room temperature on my counter. In about half an hour I’ll put a baggie full of ice on it’s breast.

There are two pies looking (mostly) gorgeous on my sidebar and a lobster jello mold full of of (not very gelled) cranberry sauce. There’s less than perfect mashed potatoes in my fridge, but they’re quite pretty (our CSA gives us pink potatoes!). There’s also roll dough in the fridge to be rolled out and shaped (“and dunked in butter, apparently”:

All that’s left for this household is sweet potatoes (some preparation; I may change my mind at the last minute, depending on the mashed potatoes), making the dough into rolls and roasting a turkey. I think. Oh, and cooking up some brussels sprouts.… Continue reading →

Thanksgiving prep

Today is the big push for making Thanksgiving recipes. Tomorrow I’ll roast the turkey, of course, but I’m going to try to get a lot done today.

So I thought it would be fun to have a ever-growing post about cooking for Thanksgiving. Kind of like “live tweeting” the event, but less prone to losing me my few twitter followers and a larger character limit.

The goal for today:

# The mashed potatoes
# One pumpkin pie

# One apple pie

The maybes for today:

# Cranberry sauce
# A second pumpkin pie

Tomorrow we’re looking at turkey, brussels sprouts with garlic, roasted sweet potatoes and celeriac (and onions?), and rolls.

I wonder what I’m missing.… Continue reading →

Today Feels Like a Cooking Day

It’s been grey out. Grey and wet. I know that’s what I was promised it would be when I moved here, but somehow knowing that wasn’t the same as experiencing it. It’s gotten me down.

Bill and I still haven’t found the sunrise alarm clock we normally wake up to. It’s making mornings a lot harder. On the other hand, though, he found a very cool bulb which fits into our normal lamps that seems to be helping. I try to sit under it for 20+ minutes a morning.

What isn’t helping is the completely terrible photo lighting in my kitchen. We actually have really big, beautiful windows and a nice view. It’s great for being in, when there’s even half decent amounts of natural light.… Continue reading →

Korean Lemon Tea

Sometimes, friendship arrives in the form of serendipity. And sometimes, that serendipity tastes of lemon.

A close up of a woman's hands slicing a lemon.

Long-time readers of this blog may recall that I spent a big chunk of time exchanging conversation in English for learning piano. I did a shit job of learning or retaining piano, I have to be honest. I know that was frustrating for Grace. But I also know we had a great time baking and eating and celebrating together.

It was a great way to make a friend, and swap cultural conversations. And generally be happy. And, back in those days, make new recipes for the challenge.

I miss Grace. And I never did learn how to make those ribs. A damn shame, because they were a delight. I wonder how she’s doing, as we’ve lost touch1.… Continue reading →