Things Change. Things Stay the Same.

A close-up of a table containing: water, a snifter of beer, grumbler/howler, computer, a handwritten list, and a certificate for a free howler fill. Glass, howler, and certificate are all from Half Acre Beer Company in Chicago

I thought I’d never manage to fill this howler/grumbler. I certainly didn’t expect to do so for almost free of a very special beer that I’ll likely never get to have again.

I don’t know where I’m going. But I’m starting to learn how to drive and enjoy the ride.… Continue reading →

But Do It Anyway?

A month ago, I wrote about how much cooking has become a chore for me. And I made a pledge:

“In my next post, I’m going to tell you a little bit about how I am and am not overcoming that. I’d love to know your thoughts on what makes cooking hard or easy for you, or any tips or tricks you have for making it suck less.”

I wrote those words about a month ago, and I did get some good suggestions from my friend Lori in the comments and from folks on Facebook and Twitter. I’m super grateful, but I’m still struggling.

Maybe that’s obvious from the fact that my last post was over a month ago. Because the “next post” had to be about “how I am and am not overcoming” a feeling of cooking sucking.… Continue reading →