Is it pesto?

Wow, it’s 3:35 pm as I sit down to type this up. That was fast

Now all I have to do is figure out what to serve it on. Bill’s mother, Rosa, once made us salmon with pesto on top, and some amazing onion side. I haven’t figured out her pesto, or that onion side, but it might be a nice way to do it again. Possibly tonight, as I have some salmon in the house.

The side, though? It will probably be cream of broccoli soup, following “this recipe.”: Only I don’t have heavy cream on hand, so I’ll use half & half.

So, what was today’s pesto?

h2. Ingredients

Note: All these measurements, except the cheese, are utterly wild guesses. Proceed at your own risk.Continue reading →

Confession time

I only like basil in small quantities. A pesto lover, I am not.

“But, Natasha,” I hear you say. “You have at least two basil plants in “your garden”:!”

Yup. It’s because I would like to like basil more. And because Bill would probably be a basil fish if he could figure out the anatomy. A pesto lover does not even begin to describe Bill.

I’ve only had one pesto I’ve ever enjoyed. Angelique’s husband, Marty, made it. Then he emailed me the recipe, when I said I liked it. I made it in my home later that year. To be honest? I don’t recall how I felt about it when I made it. Weird, isn’t it?

Anyway, since basil is on the list of foods I’d like to like (more), I’m trying something new today.… Continue reading →