The Organic Seasonal Cookbook by Liz Franklin

Cover of The Organic Seasonal Cookbook by Liz Franklin

I don’t remember buying this cookbook. I thought, upon looking at it, that I’d bought it at Amazon right before we started this blog, during my “cookbook binge”. I figured I told myself something about the cookbook giving us more insight on how to cook “weird” food, like we might get from our CSA. I seem to be wrong, though, because Amazon usually tells me when I’ve bought something from them and it’s silent here.

So, I haven’t the foggiest. It doesn’t have a lot of emotional attachment for me, so when I started to write it up, I was stymied about what to say. Not having bought it during the “cookbook binge”, I couldn’t even jokingly talk about how silly it is to binge on cookbooks.… Continue reading →

Where I’ve been and where I’m going.

Reading, writing and thinking about food―and cooking food!—are such a significant part of my life now that it’s hard to believe I’ve only been sharing recipes and food thoughts here at MetaCookbook for eight months. The importance of food and food issues have been a long and slowly simmering topic for me (kind of like an excellent pot of chili), and one of the sources of this interest was “the 2001 Discover article on Gary Nabhan and his quest to eat locally sourced foods to save the planet.”:

Nabhan’s views, as presented in the article, started the process of challenging how I thought about food and how I eat. I will come right out and say that reading the article didn’t change my food habits right away―but Nabhan’s ideas and experience lodged themselves in my brain.… Continue reading →

No cookbook or recipe today.

I’ve been fighting with an entry all day today. It’s not a recipe entry, and it’s not another one about a cookbook. It’s about food, and a few of the changes in my relationship with food. It’s basically a “thoughts” post.

The problem is that I ramble in that post. A lot. I tend to be a bit of a rambling writer anyway, as I suspect my readers know by now, but this is even larger in scope, so the rambles are all over the place. It’s all connected in my head, but it certainly doesn’t show up connected in the words. So I keep drafting and tweaking and asking for help. Angelique has helped me polish much of my writing in my life, including my M.SContinue reading →

Outstanding in the Field: A Farm to Table Cookbook by Jim Denevan with Marah Stets

Cover of Outstanding in the Field: A Farm to Table Cookbook by Jim Denevan with Marah Stets

I simply loved the subtitle of this book, when I purchased it. I can’t tell you how much the idea of having some ability to trace my food from “farm to table” appeals to me. Furthermore, since I am interested in the seasonality of food, the thought of having a cookbook that could help me see what sorts of things ripen at the same time really appealed to me.

This cookbook isn’t quite what I imagined, though it’s close. I don’t feel as if the “seasonality” aspects I keep looking for in cookbooks show up here either. A cookbook I’ve discussed in the past and at least one more coming up both were purchased in an attempt to get this information. They do some good, all of them, but somehow I want more.… Continue reading →

[83] White Wine, Onion and Leek Soup

No cookbook link here, because this is out of my “recipe stash”. I can, though, link you to the person who gave it to me, because I got it while I was “taking the six week ‘How to Think Like a Chef’ course in Baltimore”: which I have mentioned more than once here.

One of the nice things about this challenge, I can tell, is discovering what recipes I have in the stash. I know this, because I’d completely forgotten I had this recipe. I found it while looking for a completely different recipe that Chef Diane had provided with the class.

You see, leeks are beautiful and Bill and I like them a lot. So while we were at the farmers’ market the other day, we saw a pile of leeks being sold, and decided it would be nice to make a leek soup.… Continue reading →