Farmer’s Market Cookbook by Ysanne Spevack

Cover of Farmer's Market Cookbook by Ysanne Spevack

If I am not mistaken, this is the last of the “seasonal” themed cookbooks I have to share. I believe that after this cookbook, we only have three more that we can link to via Amazon, and only six more cookbooks total to profile. I find that pretty exciting! Soon I will be caught up on one aspect of this blog.

I believe Bill and I bought this book at Powell’s book store, in Portland, Oregon. I’ve only been once, and I still dream about that store. It was an amazing number and variety of books; I was in heaven. Also, I purchased a lot of books. No surprise there, eh?

This cookbook makes me a little hungry. Like the last cookbook, there are a variety of recipes that call for ingredients I’d never think to put together. It also has some gorgeous final shots. In addition, and unlike the last cookbook, it has several “action” shots, to help demonstrate the step being described. It’s not as photo heavy as “Pioneer Woman Cooks”:, but I appreciate that actually. I don’t need to repeatedly see how to chop an onion.

I have not yet finished the introduction to this book, but what I have read is both useful and frustrating. I find this introduction to be more informative about what the term “organic” actually means that the last book, and I appreciate that there’s a lot more information to be had overall. She has entire sections on kinds of foods, such as “squashes” or “greens”, with a little blurb about several different kinds of them. It’s useful without being overboard. However, she is also prone to over-singing the virtues of “organic” foods (and don’t think it doesn’t pain me to say that), especially since she often does so without any citations of her sources. What’s that you say? What could possibly make me ask for a citation in a cookbook? The claim that “men who eat organic food” have sperm counts half again to almost double that of men who do not, for one. (And any idea of what proportion of foods these men ate were organic would be good too.)

The book appears to be originally written for a UK audience (though it has measurements in metric and Imperial units), and as such, I’m going to cautiously assume that some of what I think of as incorrect may just be different across the pond. Rest assured, I’m going to try to lean more!

Number of recipes in this book: 140 (From the front cover)
Number we’ve made: 1

You can click the “farmer’s market cookbook” tag to view all the recipes we’ve made from this book.

Edited to add: The book I have is called “Farmer’s Market Cookbook”. It is a different cover than the one Amazon has; I presume this is different editions. Interestingly, the more recent edition (the one we have the cover of here) is titled “Farmers’ Market Cookbook”, though Amazon retains the title as “Farmer’s Market Cookbook”.

Angelique and a friend who doesn’t read this blog, Judy, maintain that the apostrophes are simply wrong. However, I’m just going to go with “farmers’ market” in all instances, unless I’m referring to this book by title. Then I will use the title “Farmer’s Market Cookbook”.