[95] + [96] Pioneer Woman’s Pizza Crust and Potato-Leek Pizza

Cover of The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond

Note: Some of the photos in and associated on flickr with this post are being entered into a photo contest being run by Chicago’s Green City Market and by The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. I will be entering to win a 1 year membership at the “Seedling” level to GCM and a 1 year membership to the museum. You can check out the other entries, if you’re interested! There’s some truly amazing photos over there. You will likely drool, so I suggest laying a towel over your keyboard before clicking that last link.

I love a lot of things in this world, but some of the things I love the most are combined in this entry: pizza, farmers markets (Green City Market in particular, I must admit), trying new recipes (Pioneer Woman’s recipes in particular, I must admit) and photography.… Continue reading →