Healthy Cooking for Two (or Just You) by Frances Price

Cover of Healthy Cooking for Two (or Just You) by Frances Price, RD

I have purchased this cookbook three times, and I have never lost it once. I have given it away twice; once to my good friend Tom and once to my cousin and his new wife as part of their wedding gift. I would have given it to Jen & Dave for their wedding gift, but there was some history behind giving them (her in particular) the older How to Cook Everything. That’s how much I like this cookbook.

I don’t recall where I bought it for the first time, but it was my introduction to smaller-scale cooking. An introduction I badly needed, because part of what made cooking so daunting was the copious amount of food most recipes make. While I don’t think everyone gets tired of leftovers at some point, I know most folks do.… Continue reading →

Pie Town Cookbook from Pie Town, New Mexico

Yep, today’s about the Pie Town Cookbook. I got this the one and only time I went to Pie Town, to experience the Pie Festival1.

See, Bill and I attended undergrad in a town in New Mexico that’s about an hour and a half from Pie Town. Bill, being the younger man that he is, was in school a couple of years later than I was. Then he decided to go for his M.Sc. at the same school. Eventually, he realized how much better “the real world” pays than grad school pays, but in the time between my graduating and his leaving graduate school, he heard about the Pie Town Pie Festival and went with his friends once or twice.

I was visiting one year after he’d left graduate school, and ended up going with a group of folks, including him, to the festival.… Continue reading →