I’m very impatient.

Cover of Grow Great Grub by Gayla Trail

The other day, because he is fabulous and knows me very well, Bill pointed out a book to me that he had found and I had not. He knew when he pointed it out that we’d be buying it. He knew this because we had two reasons for desperately wanting a balcony or outdoor space of some sort in our last apartment search. We (he) wanted a grill and we (I) wanted to grow food.

I’ve had a container garden before, when I lived in Virginia, and it did surprisingly well. However, it was much more of an expensive hobby than anything else. I didn’t manage to save any tomatoes from the squirrels, though they left my bell peppers alone. I appreciate that, since it means I got to eat the whopping two that plant produced.… Continue reading →

[38] Butter and Tomato Sauce

Cover of The Complete Book of Italian Cooking, edited by Anne Hildyard

Confession time: I picked this recipe after the tomatoes were already peeled and seeded.

I had been trying to find a recipe for a tomato sauce that used fresh tomatoes, preferably one that could easily be frozen or canned. Mostly, though, I’d been trying via a new website I’m a member of called “Eat Your Books”:http://www.eatyourbooks.com/ and not having any real luck.

Eat Your Books is pretty awesome in a lot of ways, but most of my cookbooks are not yet indexed on the site. So when I do a search, I end up with a lot of suggestions for recipes out of the two Bittman books I have. Of course, I love my two Bittman books, but I already look to them fairly often if I don’t know what to do.… Continue reading →

Slow Cooker Peach Compote

My final act of peach food making was to make a buttload of peach compote to eat and freeze.

I had this crazy idea, the other day, that we’d have pancakes with peach compote on top. Only, we got up fairly late and I had somewhere to be at 2:00 pm. In and of itself, this isn’t necessarily an issue, but pancakes take a long time at our house and we had already planned to grab lunch together near my 2:00 pm commitment. So, instead we each had a fast bowl of cereal while the slow cooker did it’s thing.

The recipe for this compote is “here.”:http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/2008/07/crockpot-peach-compote-recipe.html

We actually tripled the recipe, based on the number (14) of peaches we had ripe (where “ripe” = I thought they were ripe and some proved me wrong because they were naughty peaches).… Continue reading →

Recipe inspirations and other ponderings

Yesterday I made a fairly quick and straightforward non-challenge recipe for dinner. I wanted to share it with you because it’s tasty and easy, but also to demonstrate how even someone who is not the strongest cook can have a lovely and fast meal made via inspiration.

I’ll undoubtedly post on this again. After all, somewhere in this house there’s a recipe for “Blueberry Hopeful” and that’s all about the disasters and the inspiration. Also, waiting in the wings is a post about peach compote, but this post got very long. So I’ve edited it and will post about peaches (again) later today or tomorrow.

All in all, I imagine folks who read this blog have picked up that I’m not the greatest cook, no matter how much I like food.… Continue reading →

My love/hate relationship with peaches (and other fruits of their ilk).

I’m beginning to think it’s time to get a category beyond “other” for non-recipe posts. We’ll see.


So, I didn’t go to the farmers’ market on Saturday (or Sunday). I’m not going today, and the one I go to tomorrow is fairly small, and the one farm which sold peaches has been out for a week or two already. I could, conceivably, get to another market tomorrow where my favorite peach seller sells, but it’s highly unlikely. So, from the sounds of it, I am done buying peaches for the season. This should save me some money (except that pears and apples are hitting the farm stands).

Here’s my problem. I love peaches, but they don’t love me back. Not that they make me sick, because they don’t.… Continue reading →