[21] Crêpes, Sweet or Savory

Cover of How to Cook Everything, Revised Edition by Mark Bittman

Okay, so, for starters. I was totally wrong about there being six recipes in the queue. There were only three. This is the first of them.

Secondly, I decided this blog has been sitting idle for far too long, and so I’m just going to work on posting this recipe. There are photos associated with it, but the computer that processes photos is out of commission right now. Thus, while I would love to post some photos at this time, it will not happen. Most likely, this post will be edited later to include the photos. If not that, we will post another entry with photos.

Finally, I have not yet made a single one of the Bayless tweeted recipes. The first two were lost in the chaos of moving, and the most recent one featured mostly foods I do not enjoy.… Continue reading →

Still moving, but a little look into our non-food lives

I just want to say that for a couple who doesn’t own a car, we have a ridiculous number of tie-downs.

I haven’t owned a car since early roughly April of 2007. Bill has owned a car much more recently, having just sold his to our friend Steve last month. That said, he hasn’t really had access to his car since he moved to Chicago in late 2009. The car decided to stay in New Mexico until it could find a new owner that didn’t live in the frozen north.

You are probably thinking, then, that the tie-downs are just a remnant of Bill’s car-owning life. After all, it has been less than a year since he was a regular driver (and of a station wagon with a luggage rack, at that).… Continue reading →