[16] Everyday Scrambled Eggs

Cover of How to Cook Everything, Revised Edition, by Mark Bittman

We’re going to the housewarming of a couple of friends tonight, so we won’t be cooking dinner at home. Luckily, we had time for a speedy breakfast before Bill was supposed to go to work. He doesn’t normally work weekends, but he’s got something going on today that was supposed to start at 10:00 am, but got delayed after breakfast.

Given our presumed time requirements, I figured we could whip up some quick eggs. On top of that, it would allow us to use some of the cream we’d purchased for the “Best Scrambled Eggs”:http://metacookbook.com/archives/26-14-The-Best-Scrambled-Eggs-So-says-Mark-Bittman.html AND allow us to compare.

h2. Ingredients

4 – 5 eggs (We used four.)
Salt & freshly ground pepper

1 – 2 tbsp milk, cream or water (We used 2 tbsp cream, obviously.)

1 – 2 tbsp butter or olive oil (I winged this one, and used about 1.5 tbsp butter.)

h2. Instructions

Beat the first three ingredients together lightly. Put the fat in a medium skillet (he prefers non-stick for this application) over medium-high heat. Once the butter is melted or the oil is hot, add the eggs. Cook, stirring frequently and scraping the sides of the pan. If some parts are drying out as you cook, remove the pan from the heat for a bit and continue to stir until the cooking slows a bit. At that point, put it back on the heat and continue cooking to your desired level of doneness.

h2. Cooking and Consumption Notes

h3. Cooking

These were, as you can imagine, a great deal simpler than the previous eggs to cook. And they also cooked up quite a bit faster. I mentioned to Bill that I should have made these eggs when Jessie came to visit, except it wouldn’t have mattered due to that little business of thawing the bacon.

h3. Consumption

I liked these a lot, though I have to concede that the first recipe we made was definitively better. The question really is if that looooooooong recipe is so much better than this recipe in taste, flavor, and texture that it’s ever worth it to make those eggs.

I think probably so, but it’s going to be rare. Bill didn’t seem to have a preference between the two, so I doubt he’d ever go for it. Therefore, if ever I want the BEST scrambled eggs, I better be prepared to do the cooking. (Which I would probably do anyway, because he abuses scrambled eggs by overcooking them. Though he’s pretty good at pulling mine off before his. That’s part of why I keep him around.)

One thought on “[16] Everyday Scrambled Eggs

  1. My main concern with scrambled eggs is that I can’t handle them if they’re runny. A lot of “gourmet” types think squishy wet scrambled eggs are the only way to go, but I can’t get past that texture. Do these recipes aim for the runny type of eggs and will I ruin them if I cook them long enough to hold their own shape?

    Or, can I learn to love squishy eggs if enough cream and butter is involved? Maybe that’s the question…

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