Almost Famous! (Sorta.)


So, I moved recently. As you all know very, very well. And thus, I kind of forgot I’d been on a tasting panel for All About Beer magazine back in August. (Please note, that link is kinda sad.)

ANYWAY! I was reminded of this when Lisa, whom I’d met and liked a lot while I was at BBC 2015, mentioned the most recent All About Beer magazine is something like a mini BBC reunion.

So, I went hunting. And it took me a bit more searching than expected but, of course, I found it at Powell’s.

And finding myself in the pages was as much fun as I’d hoped. Especially in the “Taste” section, which you can all guess is a word I love being associated with.… Continue reading →

The Session 105: The Quick and the Lively

The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday, is an opportunity once a month for beer bloggers from around the world to get together and write from their own unique perspective on a single topic.

Has “The Sessions” run it’s course & is beer blogging over? Is it wanky?

I mean, let’s not lie. Beer blogging is often wanky. But it’s often not, and it doesn’t have to be.

As a group, we beer bloggers have a tendency to get fairly deep in our navel-gazing. We talk beer reviews, we talk brewing, and we talk rare beers. And there’s not a damn thing wrong with that, until it becomes the only thing we talk about.

But when we step out of our comfort zones of flavor and rarity and “here’s what I made” and into harder topics, it becomes more.… Continue reading →

This is My Life Right Now

I have a lot of formal education under my belt. I’ve learned a lot of things in my life. And I have taken more exams than I could ever count. So, I’ve studied a lot in my lifetime.

I’ve never gone to bed with the textbook.

Until now.

Ok, that’s not really the textbook. Like all of the really important exams in my life (and those I can count), there’s not really a single text to guide me through it. There’s things that can help directly, and plenty of self-guided study.

My family of birth has, rightly, commented on my ability to leave a trail in life. They aren’t talking about a trail of broken hearts or a trail of bread crumbs or a trail of bodies or a trail of admirers.… Continue reading →

She wears short skirts. I wear t-shirts.

And I seem to be more welcome because of it.

Welcome to my late entry to The Session. And thanks to that damn catchy Taylor Swift song for the title.

A year or more ago, long before Beer 3Up, I was at some beer event with Karl of Guys Drinking Beer, and he asked me what I thought the ratio was of men to women at the event. The answer, based on looking around was, “pretty even.” But I couldn’t help following up with a comment that though there appeared to be even numbers of (apparent) men and women in the group, almost no one was presenting as particularly feminine.

I think this is common. And I suspect it’s femphobia in the beer community.… Continue reading →

You Poured Me “The Hard Stuff” – The Session 103

The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday, is an opportunity once a month for beer bloggers from around the world to get together and write from their own unique perspective on a single topic.

I’ve written for the Session before, but this is my first time hosting. I asked folks to tell me what they believe are issues the beer community finds difficult to discuss, and I must say, it’s fantastic to see what folks have to say. I’ll update this post as more posts come in, and probably do a second round-up next Friday. But, for now, let’s dive into what people have already said.

Interestingly, though I doubt any of these folks know each other, the first five I link to are a fantastic group of posts because one naturally leads to the other.… Continue reading →