I Made a Quiche

Just like I said I might, I made a quiche. Almost the exact same one from before my exam, only I had a useful store-bought pie crust and I also added white pepper and I didn’t measure my filling ingredients.

A baked pie crust dotted with soft cheese, caramelized onions, and chopped sun-dried tomatoes.

It was tasty. And I managed an even more custard-y filling by using my immersion blender’s whisk attachment. I go ages never using that thing, and now it’s a big part of my life. Wild.

I also wanted to share a couple silly things about my life, as I ease back into this blogging thing. The first is the following tweet.

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Maybe I’ll Make a Quiche.

I keep having goals and not managing them. So I thought maybe I’d set a tiny goal & share with you a song that kicks my ass. Unfortunately, there’s no video for it, so here’s one from the same album I also love.

This actually achieves a couple goals. Now I have written something on this here blog again. Now I have shared some wonderful music and video that I enjoy.

That would be sufficient, but in logging in to do this, I saw that there is a way to salvage a quiche when everything is going to hell. And, frankly, things are not currently going to hell, but I am struggling to meet my goals. So maybe a quiche can solve that too. Not today; I do not have milk or cream in the house.… Continue reading →

Crushingly Expected Pupdate.

Bill and I lost Happy last night.

This means that 2018 has already kicked us in the face; I was hoping it wouldn’t do that.

I was unable to get to bed until about 1:00 am PST, and I’m writing this a mere four hours later. I was only able to sleep about three hours before I woke back up and tossed and turned for an hour. Once I realized it’d been an hour of tossing, I’d somehow wrenched my shoulder in my sleep, and my head was hurting from exhaustion and dehydration I gave up and took Kiki outside and started whatever amount of day I’m going to have today.

I started dehydrating spent grain. I turned on the electric kettle for water for tea.… Continue reading →

Snapshots of the Space Between

Content Note: Mental Illness, Suicidal Ideation.

Guys, 2017 was a giant garbage fire for me in a lot of ways. I have repeatedly wanted to bring this blog back up and repeatedly not been able to do so. My first 2017 post literally says that I need encouraging and have been struggling to write.

I need some encouraging these days. I have had a lot that I’ve wanted to write about, from the dogs, to the breakfast nachos I made this morning (inspired by Isis’s tendency to make amazing breakfast nachos), to why the beer industry needs to change their phrasing around nomadic brewers, to how fun it was to do a beer photo scavenger hunt with Leslie. I even have taken some great photos and started framing out posts in my head.

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Call Me? Call me!


I haven’t been posting, I know. It’s been a weird-as-fuck year, and all the things I want to talk about feel like things I can’t write about here all publicly and shit. Or it’s the mundanities of life, like how my dearly beloved Kiki has decided that the kitchen is where she should go to the bathroom. Even if the back door is open…

Damn it, dog.

Anyway, I realized this morning, while on a three-hour call with a friend, that phone calls are a thing I need in my life more often. Specifically phone calls, though they don’t have to be that long. I need them because they are a great way to start catching up, but also (admission time) because they use enough of my brain to keep me focus, but not my hands at all.… Continue reading →