Confession time

I only like basil in small quantities. A pesto lover, I am not.

“But, Natasha,” I hear you say. “You have at least two basil plants in “your garden”:!”

Yup. It’s because I would like to like basil more. And because Bill would probably be a basil fish if he could figure out the anatomy. A pesto lover does not even begin to describe Bill.

I’ve only had one pesto I’ve ever enjoyed. Angelique’s husband, Marty, made it. Then he emailed me the recipe, when I said I liked it. I made it in my home later that year. To be honest? I don’t recall how I felt about it when I made it. Weird, isn’t it?

Anyway, since basil is on the list of foods I’d like to like (more), I’m trying something new today.… Continue reading →

Market Day – Any Questions?

My friend “Jen”: has requested that I do a once a week series, on Mondays, on what “the market”: was like the prior day. I had been disinclined to do so, as I occasionally feel that it would bore the snot out of anyone reading, but today I changed my mind. At least for today.

The change was brought about, in part, while discussing the market with Bill’s employee Dan. We were discussing the fact that I would like to have data on what sort of items my patrons would like to see at the market (as well as what potential patrons would like to see!).

At the market, I would introduce a survey to find out. Indeed, I am working on one this week. Here on the blog, I write about it.… Continue reading →

Everyone’s a winner!

Man, that giveaway didn’t get much love, did it?

Well, that’s quite alright. It means I know the people who did enter really love the thought of homemade jam! So, since we had a total of three entrants, Bill & I discussed it and decided to give all of you jam! (Seriously? Especially with the fresh batch of strawberry and the fresh batch of strawberry-vanilla, we have GOBS of jam.)

So, guys, contact me to discuss flavors & collect your winnings!… Continue reading →

Jam Giveaway!

I’m making the first jam of the summer! One of my favorite farmers had a TON of strawberries for me to make jam. I’m thankful for this, because I didn’t think I’d manage to make strawberry jam this year – this is the end of the season.

The berries are seconds, which I am still learning how to use, so it’s been an adventure. But the canner’s heating up, and the berries are smooshed and the sugar’s measured, and I’m ready. And I have so many seconds leftover, I might manage to make a second batch. (I’ll need more jars, though.) I’m not holding my breath on that one, though.

The catch, though, is that I get kind of frenzied in making jam each summer. Bill’s forbidden to buy jam, generally, because I can make it and we have a lot.… Continue reading →

Eating from the hog!

Hello all!

Bill and I agreed the other day that we should do at least a quickie post every time we had something that came from our hog. That way, you guys can know about how much food there is in 1/7th hog. Plus, why not?

So, all posts involved will include the tag “that time we bought a hog”. For real recipes, they’ll include other tags too, but for quickie posts like this one, that may be all we include. However, this way you can quickly get to everything we got out of our share of the hog.

So, this morning we had about 1/2 lb of breakfast sausage. I wish I’d had our friends package the sausage into smaller amounts, but I didn’t think to ask the day we made sausage (post forthcoming).… Continue reading →