Five kitchen tools I use all the time

The other day, my friend Jen asked me to do a post on kitchen stuff I really love. She also asked me to do a post on things I regret buying, which will be the next post.

I have provided links for those things that are easy for me to find links on Amazon or elsewhere, in case you wish to purchase something. These are not affiliate links. Bill and I did, in fact, sign up to be Amazon affiliates when we fired up this blog, but they ceased running the program in Illinois. Just so you know. 27 April 2014 Note: The links are now affiliate links. This means that if you buy any of these, I get a tiny cut of the price.Continue reading →

[18] Bacon, in our toaster oven broiler

How to Cook Everything

Ok, this is a little of a cop-out. It’s bacon, right? Everyone knows how to cook bacon.

Well, maybe so. However, this is really an entry in How to Cook Everything, and I really followed it pretty closely. To make it up to you, I’ll follow the recipe up with a story about this particular toaster, and why Natasha hates it so much.


… Bacon. We’re using thick-sliced fancy stuff from Whole Foods today, 4 slices.


Heat up your broiler. Put the bacon in a roasting pan or something else with a good lip that can stand up to your broiler. If you’re using the toaster oven like I am, you might as well cover the pan with foil to make cleanup easier.… Continue reading →