Snapshots of the Space Between

Content Note: Mental Illness, Suicidal Ideation.

Guys, 2017 was a giant garbage fire for me in a lot of ways. I have repeatedly wanted to bring this blog back up and repeatedly not been able to do so. My first 2017 post literally says that I need encouraging and have been struggling to write.

I need some encouraging these days. I have had a lot that I’ve wanted to write about, from the dogs, to the breakfast nachos I made this morning (inspired by Isis’s tendency to make amazing breakfast nachos), to why the beer industry needs to change their phrasing around nomadic brewers, to how fun it was to do a beer photo scavenger hunt with Leslie. I even have taken some great photos and started framing out posts in my head.

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I couldn’t resist the play on words in the title when it came up. Sometimes, some silliness helps. Especially when you’ve FINALLY moved into April from #FuckingMarch.

Anyway, the sun is coming out in Portland and that is a huge relief. The grey and short days that make up winters are here really puts a lot of cramp in my style. It never feels like it’s going to end. But, finally, it’s starting to. Enough so that in the last two days, I’ve had two sodas. And brewed up some iced tea! I did both before I saw the following ad, which is relevant to the first link of APRIL FOODS!

The ad is from Montgomery County, Maryland, and it showcases some of the things the county has been doing for the last three years to try to curb soda usage without a sales tax increase specifically on “sugary drinks.”… Continue reading →

Food (Literal and for My Soul) Links

March is a very hard month for me, typically speaking. Bad enough that I am genuinely superstitious about it. I just expect, at this point, things to suck in March. Not everything, for sure. One of my delightful nieces was born in March. My father was born in March. Angelique was born in March. I made some cool-ass friends two days ago (which was already March!).

But, generally, I dream of skipping to the end of March. Maybe to just a couple of days before all those birthdays I mentioned (because, seriously, they’re all at the end of March; I think their mothers were trying to spare them March birthdays, but just couldn’t quite do it). It never happens, but I dream of it. I hate March enough that I really could have sworn I had a “fucking March” tag on this blog, but I do not.… Continue reading →