I’m Just Here for More Food by Alton Brown

Cover of I'm Just Here for More Food by Alton Brown

This book was a gift from my friend Corrine. I can’t remember exactly what prompted the gift1 (since it was long before this blog), but I’ve enjoyed reading the book since. Probably she was trying to get me to make bread.

Corrine is truly a great friend. She is loud, opinionated and boisterous, which really just means we’re well matched. She out-does me on all of those things, though. I gotta get on that. She’s amazingly generous, and has given me a lot of very necessary items and time in my life.

I was on her porch when I called my mother to tell her my ex-husband and I had decided to divorce. One of the two worst phone calls I’ve ever had to make; I was a wreck afterward.… Continue reading →