The DuClaw and Antijenic Drift.

Man, horrid title misspellings right after National Grammar Day? What is the world coming to?

Of course, I didn’t misspell anything in my post’s title. Not one word. Honest.

“The DuClaw” being, of course, the brewery in Maryland, not the seemingly unimportant part of a dog’s paw (dewclaw), and “Antijenic Drift” being my very dear friend Jen, not a discussion of the arms race between our immune systems and pathogens.

Beer and friends. My life could be a lot worse.

You guys may recall a post from about two weeks ago concerning the possibility that I might not make it to DuClaw while in Baltimore. After writing that, I realized I genuinely wanted to make a point to visit the brewery and try the Bad Moon Porter again.… Continue reading →

It Was Like A Full Shift! HOURS With Strangers.

Wow, you guys. Just wow.

So, first, I want to touch a little on my previous post regarding my giveaway dinner, where I discussed the importance of doing things ahead. I was right, doing things ahead vastly smoothed out the process of sharing food and merriment with my guests. What I didn’t anticipate, and should have, was how much easier cooking ahead would simplify my cleanup process. It really did, you guys. And for that, I could not be more grateful.

You see, we spent a solid seven or eight hours with our guests. Seriously. We didn’t get to bed until well after 1:00 am, which means we left most of the clean-up for the next morning. All I did was pour some water into each of the glasses to keep them from being extra gross in the morning.… Continue reading →

Freezers, Bachelors and Food

Once upon a time, I was a totally normal person. I was in college. I went to my classes. I came home. I went out with friends. I ate at El Cam to study late at night. My freezer was very full of frozen veggies and microwave meals and such.

Ok. Maybe not totally normal. I suppose most college students’ freezers look a bit more like The Bachelor Cook’s freezer than my old college freezer. Booze and ice and air. I’m pretty sure you just can’t see that she’s got booze in there.

Anyway. My roommates and I always kept a reasonably well stocked fridge and freezer. And I was always a little frustrated at how little one can get into an above-fridge freezer. So you can imagine my delight when my late great-grandmother gave me her old upright.… Continue reading →

One request for the day

My friend Ellen of One Hundred Meals recently wrote about her fifth meal. I have not gone through all the links and comments, but just the words she wrote are valuable.

I want to thank my friends and readers for all the times you all have pulled me out of the echo chamber it’s so easy to get into1. I hope I am doing the same for you.

I’ll catch you guys Friday with a post about Apple-Pumpkin Brown Betty.

fn1. And the people I follow on twitter. But many of them don’t even realize they’re doing this for me, as they may not follow back. So they’ll never see my gratitude. Nevertheless, it’s there.… Continue reading →

One year ago

My apologies for the post of the day being so late. I was busy planning on how to best quietly celebrate. It’s been a year since my friend Hamster managed to take this photo for us. I’m incredibly grateful to him.

It’s been a day. Mostly good, though a few things have been quite sad. I’m not going to get into the private ups and downs, but suffice it to say I’m thinking about all of it.

Thanks, guys, for sharing this piece of our lives with Bill and I. We’ll be back Wednesday with a more typical post.… Continue reading →