My words sure do taste good!

It was “just two days ago when I said I wasn’t going to cook out of Bittman or Pioneer Woman cookbooks this week”: Now I’m having to change my tune. Or eat my words. Whichever you prefer, really.

Here’s the deal. I promised our friend Rob I’d cook up some meals for him to toss in his freezer and eat once he got home from having his ankle replaced. He was, in theory, going to have this happen last week or so. It didn’t. We’re still not sure when it will happen. However, I’ve made some lasagne and I’ve given him some of the frozen leftovers from “Blue Ribbon Chili”: However, I told him to make requests, and he did. One of his requests was black bean soup.

I was going to make it last week, but last week turned weird on me. So, I didn’t make it. Luckily, all the ingredients keep. This week is also going to be weird (we’ll be out for most evenings this week), so I decided I’ll make the soup this week. And since I promised him a recipe out of Bittman’s book, you can see where this is going.

Still, I think this is for the best. I’m not sure how much of a challenge it is to not cook from the books I’m heavily leaning on in a week where I won’t be home for three or more of the dinners!

So, next week. Next week I won’t cook from those books. This week I won’t cook from PW’s book, at least.