Outstanding in the Field: A Farm to Table Cookbook by Jim Denevan with Marah Stets

Cover of Outstanding in the Field: A Farm to Table Cookbook by Jim Denevan with Marah Stets

I simply loved the subtitle of this book, when I purchased it. I can’t tell you how much the idea of having some ability to trace my food from “farm to table” appeals to me. Furthermore, since I am interested in the seasonality of food, the thought of having a cookbook that could help me see what sorts of things ripen at the same time really appealed to me.

This cookbook isn’t quite what I imagined, though it’s close. I don’t feel as if the “seasonality” aspects I keep looking for in cookbooks show up here either. A cookbook I’ve discussed in the past and at least one more coming up both were purchased in an attempt to get this information. They do some good, all of them, but somehow I want more. I think I want information from a book that I’m only going to get as I grow my own food, and scour the farmers’ markets more.

This book has some gorgeous photos and lovely stories. The recipes look quite tasty, though at the time of writing I haven’t yet tried any of them. Oddly, this book has a recipe for salad with chicken liver that’s making me wonder. I’ve never had liver, but it has a hell of a reputation. Of course, “so do brussels sprouts.”:http://www.metacookbook.com/archives/113-58-Sauteed-Brussels-Sprouts-with-Bacon.html

Number of recipes in this book: 100 (From the back cover)
Number we’ve made: 0

You can click the “outstanding in the field” tag below to see all the recipes we’ve made from this book.